Turtles and The Social Media – Part 1

It seems the world of today practically lives on social media. At any given moment there are millions of people exchanging information and ideas, in literally thousands of various chat groups. But as we all well know, social media is a mixed bag of goods and bads, positives and negatives, facts –and most certainly -fictions…

Turtle-Tech Diet Reviews

Providing great nutrition for our Aquatic Turtles is always a prime concern. At every level of development, from hatchling into adulthood, turtles require the proper nutrients to keep them healthy, growing, and strong…

The Proper Feeding Practices of Box Turtles

We at TropicZone get asked frequently just what the proper procedure is to feeding different varieties of turtles. As a Manufacture of Premium Turtle Diets for both Aquatic Species and Terrestrial Species (including Box Turtles), with decades…

Aquarium Filtration with Aquatic Turtles

Aquatic Turtles spend most of their time in the water, plain and simple. Providing a proper enclosure for Aquatic Turtles means providing a clean and safe water space for the turtles to swim, exercise, eat, and even breed. Really no rocket science here, it’s just basic biology…

Quick-Answer: How do you measure a turtle?

When talking about a turtles size, you will often come across the term “SCL”. SCL stands for “Straight Carapace Length”. Since the carapace (the top domed part of the shell)…

Quick-Answer: What is Life Staging of foods?

What does “Life Staging” mean – in regard to its use in animal diets? It means that the diet is separated into sperate “stages” or “levels”. These dietary stages then address the specific…

QUICK-ANSWER: What are N.P.U. Ratings?

N.P.U. or “Net Protein Utilization” is a rating system that evaluates the useable protein levels of different food sources. Just because the food …


For beginner turtle enthusiasts who come across these terms and are unfamiliar with them, here’s the quick skinny. The Carapace is the upper part of…

What Size Aquarium – The bigger the better?

A very common question from our readers deals with what size aquarium would be appropriate for properly housing their Aquatic Turtles. A valid question to be sure! Especially if you are just beginning…